@Kaustubh Katdare 路 Jul 11, 2021 | 21.9k views

Hello World! CrazyEngineers embarks on a new journey today and we hope to have you with us. We request you to register your interest in new CE by clicking 'Request Membership' button and entering your best email-id.

This significant change to CE required archiving old memberships and content. New memberships will be restricted. Old members need not worry; we've got you covered. Each new member will be manually approved.

If you have questions, send us an email on hello@crazyengineers.com.


Note: Only logged-in members of CrazyEngineers can add replies.

Past announcements

We are happy to announce new feature - CrazyEngineers Global Search

Unlike the old CE, we now search across all the content on CrazyEngineers and bring you the best results....

Excited to announce the launch of 'top products' on CrazyEngineers. We'll publish several software products built by amazing engineers and developers around the world.

We'll also inform about the benefits...

We recently pushed an update to CrazyEngineers where we fixed the internal links as well as a few external links. We noticed that our site had a ton of broken...

We're excited to announce the new, eye-pleasing color scheme on CrazyEngineers. In addition, we've included several SEO fixes. We hope you'll love the new changes. In addition, we're currently working...

On November 25, 2005 - CrazyEngineers was born. What started out as a hobby project grew into a large community of engineers from 180+ countries. It still feels as if...